What kind of business should girl open? Own business ideas for women

Current trends

The desire to have sufficient income to live, the desire for
self-realization, dreams of self-planning of their time are increasingly prompting the fair sex to think about how a woman to open her own business. For many Western countries, business women have long become equal partners of male entrepreneurs. The conditions created for the development of their business often help women earn more income than men. This usually applies to specialties in the service sector:

Financial Consultant;
recruitment specialist;
stylist, makeup artist and other beauty salon professionals.

Russian market

Before starting a business, a Russian woman needs to know the characteristics of the industry, the selected market and entrepreneurship within her state. In Russia, as in most CIS countries, company managers and company owners are more often men (although according to documents the company may belong to their family members, for example, to their spouse). However, there are quite a few successful women who do not fictitiously, but actually manage their own company. According to the “Russian Business Newspaper” (No. 838 for 2012), the share of women leaders in domestic business is:

in large – 7%;
on average – 22%;
in the small – 50%.

The specificity of the female approach

It is often said that in order to understand what kind of business a woman or girl should open, one needs to understand how women’s management differs from men’s. Traditionally, women are more emotional, sociable, loyal, conservative and oriented towards building relationships. They are used to empathizing, educating and caring. This suggests that the female leadership style is characterized by a number of features:

active interaction with subordinates;
maintaining self-esteem among colleagues;
the promotion of personal communications;
high level of adaptation to the situation.

Search for your industry

According to many psychologists and researchers in the field of gender-specific business, gender is not a decisive factor for the effective management of their own company. Female management style is more suitable for routine tasks, and male management is more suitable for stressful and non-standard situations. The lack of a single correct model for managing your company allows a business woman to choose any field of activity that interests her. That is why own business for successful women is the realization of their potential in a promising direction for them, and not the embodiment of stereotypical ideas about typical women’s affairs.

The table above with the 10 most affluent Russian businesswomen (according to Forbes) shows a fairly wide range of choices in the field of activity.

Standard directions

To decide what to do for a woman in business, the future entrepreneur should decide on her own preferences. Most often, Russian business women work effectively in industries familiar to them:

the medicine;
the provision of services (consulting companies, cleaning firms, real estate agencies, etc.).

The table below with data from Rosstat on the industry specifics of small business allows you to determine the most promising areas for business and assess the volume of markets.

Based on this information, the following conclusions can be drawn:

In Russian small business, there has been a certain increase in revenue over the past three years.
The main focus for most Russian individual entrepreneurs is trade (it generated more than 85% of revenue for 2012).
The second place in terms of revenue is occupied by real estate operations.
There are no significant changes in the industry specifics of Russian small business over the past three years.

Internet role

Successful creation and dynamic development of your company largely depends on the potential of the original plan. You can find promising ideas of your own business for women and provide decent advertising support using the Internet. Its use will allow you to quickly and efficiently perform the following tasks:

search for popular niches on the site wordstat.yandex.ru (more about the algorithm can be found here);
market monitoring through analysis of competitors’ web resources;
identifying the needs of the target audience and assessing the demand for a niche using thematic forums;
presentation of your project on a business card website;
company promotion on social networks, as well as on thematic forums and blogs.

Генерация идеи: классика или экзотика?

Promising business ideas for start-up women can be very diverse. Most often and productively, Russian entrepreneurs create:

language schools;
real estate agency;
consulting companies (jurisprudence, financial sphere, insurance, etc.);
advertising agencies;
travel companies;
sewing ateliers;
beauty salons (hairdressing services, etc.)
private medical clinics (cosmetology, dentistry, etc.)
shops or online stores specializing in the sale of women’s and children’s things (clothing, accessories, etc.);
recruiting companies.

Non-standard profitable solutions can be:

highly specialized areas (an early development group for kids up to three years old, a discussion club for students of a foreign language, a massage room for children, etc.);
original business ideas (agency for organizing events and holidays, a marketing school, a company for creating exclusive handmade jewelry, etc.).

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