Home Business Careers: Choosing A Career That’s Right for You!

Are you working in a dead end job? Do you feel frustrated with the work you are doing? Well, maybe it’s about time for career change! And we have some advice for you.

So, how do I choose a career?

  1. What do you like to do? I’m sure you may have a variety of interests in mind, and having a general idea of what interests you have will help you in making your career choice. Jot down several interests in a notebook. Everyone has a different personality, and what might look right for one person could be totally wrong for someone else. Some people perform better working under someone else. Others have a hard time taking orders. You may want to work at home instead of commuting to work each day. These are all things that you should be thinking about when listing your interests.
  2. Talk with a counselor! Most colleges have career counselors that you can speak with to help determine your long range goals and interests.
  3. Take a Career Test! Many colleges also offer testing that is available to help decide which jobs fit your personality and skills the most.
  4. What job skills do you have? It’s important to assess your skills before settling on a career choice. If you do not have the skills needed to perform the necessary tasks, your career choice may require additional education.
  5. What bores you? Obviously, you don’t want to get stuck in a long term career that ends up boring you to death. Stay away from the things that you don’t like. They will only hurt you in the long run. This is another topic that you should write down in your career notebook.
  6. Above all, take your time! A major career change is a big decision to make. It is important not to rush into any quick changes that you might regret later on. Take your time. You have plenty of time to decision what you would really like to do. You want to find a career that will keep you happy for years to come!
Posted in: Career Articles

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